A Rake and a Lawyer:

Having long forgotten the problems of our progenitors

we resent the constraints that served in their time to “civilize”

we cast them off in self-actualized hubris manifesting our “freedom”

Without those constraints society regresses to a dark age

where we are unable to recount either our freedom 

nor the solutions and constraints that tamed the scourge of rakes;

or we “will” ourselves to power and become rakes ourselves.

For we live in a world of men and women who cannot self regulate

It is harder work to refine those prescriptions so that they still serve us today

And it is not unfaithful, but diligent to own the failings of the past

we are mostly slaves and serfs and little people

not that one royal ancestor we proudly hail 47 generations back

And it seems this message must be refreshed from time to time

act justly love mercy walk humbly

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